Flora for Fauna ™

Flora for Fauna helps nonprofits and businesses in the St. Louis, Missouri area operate more sustainably and improve biodiversity on their grounds.

Small plants. Big, big difference.

Without native plants (flora), insects and other little creatures, as well as all animals (fauna), can’t thrive. Since insects and other little creatures are food for animals like birds, those animals also rely on native plants for their survival. Without the food and shelter provided by native plants, pollinators and other creatures will cease to exist. Increasing the biodiversity of the world around us is a small change that leads to major strides in protecting our ecosystems and sustaining our planet. Flora for Fauna exists to make it easy for nonprofit organizations, schools, businesses, and individuals to help our environment by making small improvements that lead to a greener outdoors—and a happier world.

Our Mission & Vision Statements

Flora for Fauna’s mission is to connect nonprofits, schools, individuals, and businesses with available green incentives* that help reduce their energy use and costs; devise and implement nature-based solutions to problems like erosion; and help clients beautify, greenify, and “biodiversify” their grounds. Flora for Fauna’s vision is a robust, native tree canopy complemented by high numbers of native plants that fights air pollution, equitably decreases urban “heat island” effects, and increases populations of pollinators, birds, and other creatures vital to a biodiverse St. Louis.

How do we “biodiversify” grounds?  By invasive species identification and removal; selecting, sourcing, and planting the right native trees for the space, and helping clients replace nonnative turf grass and plants with native trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses. By helping our clients operate more sustainably, we hope to improve air quality, reduce pollution, and improve the quality of life for everyone in the metropolitan St. Louis area.

*Green incentives include available grant money or rebates to install pro-environment devices like electric vehicle chargers and energy efficient HVAC equipment or funds to establish a native plant garden.

Work With Us

Nonprofits, houses of worship and schools receive Flora for Fauna’s services free of charge. We apply for grants to obtain plants and planting materials (such as mulch) so these organizations typically have no out of pocket costs for their projects. Flora for Fauna also works with for-profit companies and homeowners who are interested in adding native plants to their grounds. Please email organization president Cynthia Boxerman at [email protected].

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